Saturday, September 29, 2012

Birthday Celebrations - hooray!

Reesing's birthday was last Friday and the celebrations started on Thursday.  She got to bring special treats to her preschool class that day.  So, Reesing and Mom whipped up some Mickey Mouse cupcakes. The Mickey Mouse cupcake decorations were some that Reesing picked out at Sweet.  If you haven't checked this downtown Lawrence store out yet, you should.

Finished Mickey Mouse cupcakes, complete with red and white polka dot cupcake liners. The cupcakes were a success with all of Reesing's school friends.

Then on Friday I woke Reesing up with a giant brotherly bear hug.

And she was anxious to open all of her birthday presents.

I played the nice big brother role and helped her get a few of the packages started.

After presents it was time for cake.  Yes, it was like 7:30 in the morning, but Mom and Dad had busy schedules this day trying to accommodate for the birthday party on Saturday, so Friday morning was the best opportunity to celebrate with the family with cake & ice cream.  So, cake and ice cream for breakfast - yay!  Mom created this super duper Minnie Mouse cake, complete with a full size Minnie Mouse doll for Reesing to keep.

Needless to say, this definitely made Reesing smile!

We did dinner out on Friday night with lots of family and then woke up Saturday anxiously awaiting the combo birthday buddy party for both Colton and Reesing.

Here is the birthday boy, Colton, and his newest pal, Kiwi. Kiwi is a Conure and Colton had been saving up his money for quite some time for this little guy, and getting enough birthday money help put him achieve his goal.   Kiwi is a very friendly little bird and is very pretty.

This picture seriously cracks me up.  It looks like a posed photo shoot where they were told to put on their "serious & deep in wonder" faces.
Kiwi was a big hit with all of the kiddos.

And especially the birthday girl. Reesing was very brave to hold the bird and let it crawl up her until it perched on her shoulder.

Kiwi nipping at her shirt.
Loving every minute of it. 

The smile was priceless.

The bird also liked to crawl into the hood of birthday guest, Lauren.

After the entertainment, courtesy of Kiwi, it was time for presents! And yes, Kiwi sat on Colton's should the entire time while unwrapping presents. 

I love the look on Colton's face in this picture.

Reesing and Colton took turns unwrapping presents and did a great job of patiently waiting their turn.

Reesing getting some assistance from Madison.

Tyller and Annabell dressed in their "birthday party" gear enjoying the festivities.

Reesing really loves her "dotty" that Gammee Linda gave her.

And...another great expression out of Colton.

And yes, after many many presents Kiwi is still on Colton's shoulder.

Reesing finally getting the hang of tearing into the packages. 

And yes, the bird is still sitting there. 

Next, it was birthday cake time!!!

Angry Birds cake for Colton.

Dora the Explorer cake for Reesing. 

Uncle Nick brings out the "big guns" for lighting the birthday cake...a torch. 

Blowing out the candles. 

Then the chaos begins.  This has become quite the tradition for our family on this shared birthday.  Mom makes two cakes, one for Colton, one for Reesing.  

This is what Colton does every year to his cake. 

And this is the look on Reesing's face each year the Colton puts his face in his cake. Priceless!

Face meet cake.  

Cake meet face. 

 Reesing:  "I'm NOT putting my face in that cake."

Colton had blue frosting everywhere after this. 

Thinking about it.  The more that Aunt Raegann tries to coax me into it. 

Nah...not gonna do it.  Reesing decided to leave that up to Colton. And this is a shot ofColton's face smash and Reesing's disgusted face all in one shot. 

Blinded by cake and frosting. Help from Dad is on the way. 

A simple cake for everyone else, minus any face prints.

A great pic of Tyller enjoying the cake chaos. 

Miles gets into the middle of the action with a blue frosted stache. 

Birds, cake smashing and bounce houses...oh my!  The Berger clan sure does know how to entertain.   Courtesy of the Berger's was a bounce house castle, which the kids enjoyed very much and the parents took turns comforting the kidsone by one these trickled out of the bounce house with bruises, banged heads, stomped thumbs, etc.  No serious injuries, just what you call a good time in the bounce house. 

Birthday girl going down the slide with good birthday loot in tow. 

Miles and Manning playing in the bounce house. 

A great pic of Mackenzie and Reesing. They were twinkies for the day...dressed in black, pink and white.  Reesing was having a fun time playing with Mackinzie because she would tell her what to do and Mackinzie would oblige.  Mackinzie was a really good sport for the birthday girl. 

Birthday Buddies!  Thanks to Aunt Jen, Uncle Willie, Mackinzie and Madison, the pictured vaccumm has our house sparkling clean.  If Reesing isn't using it, Manning is. 

After the birthday celebration with the Urish/Berger side Reesing came home to yet another surprise, Aunt Julie and Courtney.  And they brought more birthday presents.  One of the presents who goes everywhere with Reesing is the Guinea Pig, not real, but moves and makes sounds like a real guinea pig.  Reesing is always professing her love for her guinea pig.

Thanks Roush family for the presents and making a special trip to see Reesing on her birthday celebration day. 

As you can see, the birthday buddies had yet another successful birthday celebration!  Thanks to everyone who made the day so special. 


Anonymous said...

Love the bird! so glad that Reesing had such a great birthday and to share it with another cousin is extra fun!!! Love you all!
Happy Birthday!!
Aunt Julie

Gams said...

You guys sure know how to throw a fun birthday party! What fun fun pictures! I am such a darn lucky "Gams"!

Anonymous said...

Hello :) I am just wondering how big the Minnie Mouse was that you put into the cake? Looks fantastic!