Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All Smiles!

 We're all smiles today!

Even my parents are all smiles. 

Why, do you ask? Well...fill your glasses.

And let's toast to the excellent report card I got from school today. YAY for me!
 My teachers say that I'm doing great and that I'm ready for the next level. My parents have parent/teacher conferences tomorrow, so hopefully we'll have more to celebrate.  But for now...bottoms up & cheers to the sunshine and excellent report cards!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Congratulations Jayhawks!  Big 12 regular season & tournament champs.  

Dad took me to a basketball game early on in the season & we took advantage of the wonderful photo opportunities in Allen Fieldhouse.Thanks Dad for being such a wonderful dad & my best friend. Love you!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Girls just wanna have fun!

God sure did have a sense of humor when he created my little sister, We We.  Even though she presents my mom and dad with many challenges, she also provides lots of laughs.  She's a very independent little one.  Her favorite words right now are "no, no" and still "bad dog".  She's got a total of 12 teeth. Her favorite movie right now is Coraline.  Nothing can stop Reesing in her tracks like the movie Coraline. Our family has watched it A LOT the past few weeks. This movie has somehow become the miracle drug for the teething phase she's been going through.  She's a daddy's girl, but is always my little shadow.  She follows me around and constantly wants to be doing whatever it is that I'm doing. Bath time and causing trouble are her two favorite hobbies.

My sister does not mess around when it comes to eating.  Here is a piece of spinach stuck to her forehead, and completely by accident.  My sister eats so fast that the food flies out of her plate and around her head just like a tornado on a cartoon. It's not a proper meal at the Urish household unless some food is stuck to Reesing's head and/or face.

Again, this time it's a clever moustache and goatee disguise made completely of Cocoa Pebbles to resemble Abe Lincoln.

And this is the look that Reesing often gives, especially to mother.  Go check yourself sister.  You're the one with Cocoa Pebbles stuck to your face.

This is another favorite activity of Reesing's.  She's loves putting this bucket on her head.  We do not understand it and probably never will. She has no idea how hard this makes us laugh everytime she does it.

And again...the mean face.  "I'm not telling you one more time mom.  Quit taking my picture."  And again...Reesing...check have a bucket on your head.

 The other day Dad was not feeling well.  Well, actually everyone in our house has been sick.  Ugh!  We're so over being sick and the Urish household is ready for spring and ready to start feeling good again.  Anyways, mom took the day off of work on Monday to give Dad a day of rest and recovery.  Reesing &  Mom brought me to the school on Monday and decided to stay for Bible storytime.  Well, as soon as storytime started Reesing marched her way up stage and decided to help lead the fun. She's one that enjoys the spotlight. 


You could see the twinkle in Reesing's eye as she set on the stage watching all the kids sing in chorus.  She was happy, happy, happy.  She'll be more than ready in a few years to go to preschool.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Calling Dr. Manning

 We've been continuing to learn about different jobs and professions at school.  The other day was learning about doctors, nurses and hospitals in general.  I was gifted with my very own doctor's bag, equipped with swabs and tongue depressors and an official Dr. Manning headband. Once I got home I shared the teachings of the day with my father...if your heart quits beating you die, then I sent him a bill for the advice. 


 Dr. Manning


Ok, so another career day was on police officers.  We had a police officer come to our classroom and visit with us.  On that day I was Officer Manning, Friendship Forest Police Department, here to serve the community.

One of my crime fighting duties that day was to solve a robbery case involving my police officer hat. Hmmm....I wonder where that went?! 

Below is a picture of the Valentine's bag I made at school.  We made it art class and it came in very handy on Valentine's day to hold all my loot. 

 Checking out my loot and eating sugar, sugar and more sugar!

 And yes...there were several Valentine's from the ladies. Thank you very much.  Lots of really cool valentines from all my boys as well. 

 I passed out race car valentines to all of classmates.  My mom helped me get them all done prior to her leaving for her trip.

 Putting these Valentines together is pretty serious stuff.