Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Another household pet? I think not

Just last night as Dad was sitting in his and mom's room, and the house was winding down from the day,  he noticed a slow moving critter hopping across the bedroom floor.  GROSS!  It was a frog.  We're not sure how long it had been in the house, where it had been hiding or how it got into the house.  It was a big, slow & fat frog, so it's removal back to the outside was easier than expected b/c it did not move fast. Dad and mom made a pretty good "toad removal" squad. Although it wasn't too hard because as soon as mom flipped the toad on it's back it wasn't going anywhere. He had probably snuck into the house to enjoy some nice cool air conditioning on probably one of the millionth times the back door opened and shut as my sister and I's little feet pitter patter outside and then again back inside throughout the entire day.  We had decided that he is a smart little frog because our house is not that big, and he moves really slow, so he somehow escaped our sight until the house settled down and the little ones were not moving around the house so quickly anymore, when he decided to go exploring.  Glad he's been returned to the great outdoors and not sucking up anymore of our air conditioning, but we're still at a loss as to how he got inside.  Dad's theory is this,"I'm sure Reesing probably had him in her pocket," and that wouldn't surprise any of us.


Gams said...

Toooooo cute. I wouldn't be surprised that our Reesing brought him in. But, what I don't understand, is WHERE WAS DUCE? I'm not quite sure how the little toad made it past the watchdog. Hmmmmmm....

raegann said...

i was wondering the same thing mom! how on earth did Duce boy miss this? must've been too busy staring at the wall or trying to keep Reesing off of him.

glad it's out of the house cause he is not a very cute looking frog/toad. yuck!

Shelly said...

Well Linda and Raegann, that was the popular question of the night. Duce was outside at the time when we found the toad, so there is a possibility that the toad hopped inside when we let Duce out. That would mean that the frog was not inside all that long and Duce is let off the hook, but I'm doubtful of that scenario b/c this toad moved SLOW and there's no way he would have hopped in there as fast as we open and shut the door. Duce is definitely losing his guard dog touch. Heck, Duce may have left the toad in. Maybe he's friends with the toad and helped him escape into the air conditioning?!