Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ok, so I used to like this "Jack in a box" thing, until my dad thought it was funny to scare me one day at the same time as the one eared Bugs Bunny rabbit jumped out of the box. Not so funny. Ever since then I have to start looking for the nearest escape route as soon as that silly song starts to play, letting me know that the one eared rabbit is soon to appear. Crawl, walk, scramble, it doesn't matter I don't want to be anywhere near that thing when it goes off. In fairness to my dad, I'm a good natured kid who actually likes to be scared. If mom or dad jump out from around the corner and shout boo, I jump a little, but then begin to laugh until I turn blue. So, I don't think my dad thought that it would have such an impact on me as it did. I am trying to give the one-eared bunny another chance and we're trying to warm up each other again, but that daunting music gets me every time.

Awe, the old Jack-in-the-box game again, huh? I can handle it this time.

Boy,I sure do hate that music. Where is that rabbit?!

Ah ha! You again!

Yeah, it's not that bad as long as I can shove that rabbit back into it's hole.
Awe come on dad. I'm not scared anymore. Gimme another shot at it.

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