Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Friday!

 Whew...even though the work week was short, it's been a long week.  We had a very busy Labor Day weekend and spent most of the week trying to play catch up, and that has been exhausting.  So, this post is a celebration of the weekend. Happy Friday everyone!

 Sleeping beauties!

Yep, that's my dad and baby sister sleeping in Reesing's crib, well pretending to sleep.  If you know my dad or my mom or me or my baby sister, you know that we can all be pretty crazy at times and like to have a lot of silly fun.So, it was not a shocker when dad jumped into the crib and started playing with Reesing. 

 Needless to say, we give Reesing's crib a 4 stars because it held all three of us while wrestling around in it and was still standing at the end. Unbelievable. Mom was sure the thing was going to break.

Ok, we are often calling Reesing by her nickname, "crazy hair."  Please see exhibit A, B and C.

 Exhibit A

Exhibit B - how does she get it to do that?!  It's stand on it's own even without any hairspray. 

Crazy I tell you!  Happy Friday everyone!

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