Sunday, October 19, 2008

What's better...

than spending some time with approximately 16,300 of your closest friends while raising a few Championship flags? Answer: not much. Mom, dad and I went to "Late Night in the Phog" at Allen Field House on the KU campus to raise the championship banners our team received last year after winning it all to become national champions. Late Night has been going on at KU now for 20 years or so. It's the first day that the team is eligible to practice. So, they open the doors to the public and they have all kinds of skits, entertainment, slam dunk practice and then a scrimmage. It's a lot of fun and this year was a little more special because we were able to reflect on the wonderful season we had last year. Needless to say, it was very loud in there for the full 6 hours we were there.

People everywhere waiting to get inside.
What could this be?Why, it's our Big 12 Championship banner unveiled.

Another surprise.
It's the National Championship banner.A third banner was actually raised for the Final Four, but mom's pics didn't turn out as well, so I didn't include it.

Me and my friend Preston chillin' and waiting for the fun to begin and chowing on some popcorn.

Mom and dad are in trouble. I found myself sitting in front of this cute girl and I spent most of my time making sure that she knew I was there. I was fine tuning my flirting techniques and I've still got it.
Here's who I like to call "Uncle Billy" addressing the pumped up crowd while everyone screamed crazy for him. I love Uncle Billy.

Friends Jason, Kathy and Preston joined us for the fun on Friday night.

With all of the "hot" energy in the Phog that night it got very warm sitting high up in the rafters, so here's how I started out dressed for the evening.
As it got warmer I started peeling the layers.

I finally threw in the towel and went bare chested. I could have at least painted "KU" on my chest so I would have been better well prepared. Reflecting on some good memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mans. Give a message to your Mamma & Papa = Hey, Guys, thanks for taking my grandson to SUCH A SPECIAL HISTORICAL EVENT. He will ALWAYS remember the great times you've given him. I LOVE YOU ALL! Gams. PS. WHAT GREAT PICTURES!!!!!