Friday, February 4, 2011

Highlights from the end of January

 Jayhawk day at school resulted in the below wonderful piece of art. Rock Chalk Jayhawk!


 Opening Birthday mail.

Money!  Gotta love the money.

The birthday cake my dad made for me on my birthday!

Blowing out the birthday candles. 

Yes, in this household we have soap in the shape of race cars.  
That's right...race cars. 

My Grandpa Rod and Tracy gave me this super cool race car soap for my birthday. 
I love it and I've never washed my hands so many times before.

1 comment:

Gams said...

LOVE your Jayhawk, Mans. You are quite talented. Must be in the genes! By the way, that is pretty cool race car soap. I'm sure you wash those hands really fast now!!!