Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Countdown to Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving is a mere 30 minutes or so away. We cannot wait. The pies are made. The house is quiet and the Urish family is gearing up for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday filled with lots of fun, family & food! Our family wishes you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. Count your blessings every day! We have a lot to be thankful for this year and we do not plan on taking anything for granted. Below are some other things we are thankful for.

Cookies and cousins who share them.

Siblings & all the trouble we get into together.

Little boys who can let their imagination run wild and be whatever they want to be.

Precious little girls with crazy bed-head hair.

Smiles on cute little faces.

Good report cards.

And Uncle Nick...just to name a few.


Gams said...

This Gams is sooooooo thankful for you! I LOVE YOU!!!

raegann said...

awesome post! Colts and I are determined to make the cut next year! Look out Reesing, we're after you! happy thanksgiving everyone!