Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My little sister the diva

She got her ears pierced a few weeks ago when she hit the 8 week mark. My mom and I took her to the pediatrician's office where Dr. Kelley put the holes in her ears. Mom & I were there the whole time to hold sissy's hand & help dry up her tears.

She was such a happy little thing when we took her in there. Very happy baby at the start.

"Look at me! I'm getting my ears pierced today!"

"Can someone tell me what exactly that means?"
"Doesn't matter...I'm still excited~yea for me!"
Immediately after..."What the h@#ll just happened?"

Still trying to figure it out & still letting my mom hear about it.

All done & they look great. She was a very brave little girl! I was so proud of her. After all of that Dr. Kelley had 4 shots lined up for her. It was a long day for sissy. I was very scared for her, but I was so glad that I could be there to comfort her.

She's been all smiles since then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mans, I'm sooooooo glad you rescued our baby girl. Looks like you had a pretty good fleet of armour after her! WAY TO GO BIG BROTHER! Love you, Gams