Monday, September 15, 2008

Mom's good 'ol college days

For those of you that don't know, my mom is still in college trying to finish her communications degree. Her goal is to finish her degree before I turn 16, graduate high school at 18, pursue a degree at the University of Kansas and have the chance to still graduate before her. The main thing is that she's sticking with and will finish someday. Needless to say, good times from her younger days of college explains why she is still currently a college student. One of those friends that helped harvest such a good times came into Lawrence this past weekend to visit me and my mom and dad. My mom's friend Jessica came into town for a visit because it had been 12 years since she'd been back to the university where they first met, Baker University, in Baldwin, KS. It's just down the road south of Lawrence AND she had never me, the charming little guy.

This is my mom & Jessica drinking at a bar where they both used to work at, but looks nothing like it did back in the day.
This was the theme for the weekend for these two.
This is the dorm that they both lived in.
My mom's room used to be the one on the left and Jessica's was on the right. There were 4 girls in 2 small rooms and 1 bathroom in the middle. Much of the weekend was spent with these two trying to remember how all of that worked out without all 4 of them somehow able to speak to one another after the semester was over. Much chaos happened within those two rooms over a span of 9 months.
My mom's old sorority house. Yes, my mom was a sorority chick while at Baker. Yes, she has some good stories. Don't think she'll tell just anyone b/c I've been trying, but still have had no luck, and my cute face is a hard one to resist.
Before Jessica could leave mom took her to the Yacht Club, home of the infamous "Beer Towers." You order a tower, they sit it on your table and there really is no need for a waitress, until you've reached the end of the tower.
Mom & Jessica's college days prep them well for pouring beers.

Anyways, thank you Jessica for braving the tornadoes flying around Kansas on Friday and making the trip to Lawrence to hang out and spend some time with me. My mom really appreciated you hanging out with her some too. Next time we're in St. Louis we're calling you up to hang out. Come again sometime and don't wait for another 12 years.

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