Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Working 9 to 5

I headed back to work Tuesday of this week. I really did enjoy my time off with Manning, but knew that it unfortunately had to come to an end sometime. It was probably a little easier to go back b/c Manning is going to daycare at his Aunt Stacey's house, and there is the comfort of having him with family each day. We are very fortunate to have this situation b/c not everyone is so lucky. He had at great first day at daycare and came home completely tuckered out. I think there must have been more action at daycare than our usual routine of watching the dogs sleep and flipping through hundreds of channels of bad daytime t.v. Anyways, he was entertained all day and came home and slept all night. I took some pictures of his first day. I think mom was probably more sad than he was. I think I was partly sad about having to actually do some work for the paycheck.

1 comment:

Jason and Kathy said...

How was your first day? It was so hard for me...I cried and I'm not even back full time yet...:( I was so tired. They need to add nap time for us working moms!!! :)