Monday, January 16, 2012

Please faithful blog readers...

Don't ever let us brag about having a wonderful Friday the 13th EVER again! Not even 4 hours after our post on Friday the 13th, everything went down hill for one of the worst Saturday the 14th ever. Reesing woke up with the flu on Saturday morning at 2:30 a.m. and spent the rest of the 24 hours hanging her head in a bucket. Not funny at the time, but definitely something to laugh about now.  When Mom fetched Reesing from her bed at 2:30 in the morning and saved her from the puke polluted crib, Rees began to immediately get sick again. (Oh, and did I mention that Dad was out of town.)  Mom ran with Reesing to the guest bathroom, lifted the toilet lid and held Reesing over the toilet.  This is what is normal for everyone who has ever thrown up, but Mom and I were definitely reminded of the ruthless reality puking brings with it. To tell a two year old to put their face over the toilet and that everything's going to be ok, is just absurd through a two-year old's eyes.  When Mom was holding Reesing over the toilet, Reesing was looking at Mom like, "Woman, you are plain nuts!"  Even as sick as Reesing was she was still fighting the whole process because she thought we were punishing her, which anytime you have to stick your head in a toilet it is punishment, but a necessity for the Mom charged with cleaning up the mess. Thankfully this was just a 24 hour bug, and she's still little enough that her immune system was not as tough as everyone else.  She was back to normal by Sunday and up to her old tricks...bossing everyone around, whining about stuff and trying to tell everyone "no." 

While she was down though we did enjoy a more peaceful side of Reesing.

I love playing on my iPhone app where it scans your thumbprint and reads your emotions.  This is the message I got Saturday.  Could it be that my dad left me at home and went to the races with out me?  Could it be that Dad is usually around to help take charge and now Mom is home alone and with Reesing sick all "heck" is breaking loose in this house?  Could it be that I was worried about my little sister with her head in the bucket all day?  Could it be that I missed out on what was tenatively planned as a Saturday filled with lots of fun, but was ruined by puke? Little did I know that I'd be flushing my beta fish, "Goldie" down the toilet later that day. That must've been it.

And the burial ceremony. We're going to just go ahead and put this past weekend behind us.


raegann said...

that sounds brutal. i can only imagine the fight reesing gave while sick. that girl is a trooper, as are the rest of you who endured her wrath.

Gams said...

Poor Mans. You did have a worried weekend. Things will be getting better, I am sure.