Monday, December 12, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine

We're a little behind on reporting Reesing's 2 year stats. Yes, her 2nd birthday was on September 21st & we went to the doctor's office on the 23rd to get her stats, but Mom & I are just now getting around to reporting on it. . The doctor said she was growing well.

Height - 33" 28th percentile
Weight - 27lbs. 56th percentile
Head circumference - 19.25". 85th percentile

Personal stats:
Reesing's favorite song "You are my Sunshine"
She loves cookie crisp & chocolate milk.
She is a comedian & is always making us laugh. She loves annoying her brother, cooking food in her kitchen, playing with her baby dolls & following her brother around.

1 comment:

Gams said...

I just think my grandaughter is so darn cute! LOVE her little Christmas outfit. Ducie didn't seem to mind being her little stool. Our girl sounds like a perfect 2! Love you, sooooooo much.