Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Well deserved ice cream stache

 I earned every bit of this ice cream stache.

 Huh, you want to know how?  Well, I had my 4 year old check-up with Dr. Kelley yesterday.  Yes, I've technically 4 1/2 already, and we put off the 4 year check-up until now that it's back to school time and we have to get the proper paperwork.

 I measured up at 42.75", which is in the 73rd percentile.  Doc says I'm a rather tall guy.

And I weighed in at 41 lbs., being in the 71st percentile. So, doc says that I'm proportionate.

Awesome! We're growing good. We're looking good. We're behaving good.  
It can't get much better than this!

And it didn't.  Doc suggested that we go ahead and get the last round of shots required before starting kindergarten.  He said that we could wait until next year, but mom decided to just go for it.  She said, "we'll never be prepared for it b/c it's just not fun." So, we went for it & it wasn't fun.

Guess who didn't have to get any shots? The little girl who kept yelling "cheese" and posing for the camera.

It did hurt, but not as bad as I thought.  I didn't shed a tear, but whined just a little bit, uncertain of what level of pain to expect. Mom and the nurse said I did good and the best part is that the nurse said that I'm now done with shots for now and won't have to get anymore for a long long time. As a reward I got a coupon for a free ice cream cone from McDonalds.  So, we left the doctor's office and headed straight for ice cream.  Sure it was almost dinner time and it might ruin my appetite, but mom didn't care.  She was proud of what a big boy I was.


Ice cream has never tasted so good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go tough guy!
Love Aunt Julie