Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy one year old

It was a great birthday week for Reesing. Here are some pictures of the birthday celebration.

This is one of my sister's birthday buddies, Tommy Ediger. He was born two days before Reesing so we were a couple of hospital rooms down from each other this time last year. Our families got together and hung out on Tommy's 1st birthday. Can you tell that they've both got teeth coming in?

While checking the mail this week we found some...

birthday cards for Reesing. One from Grandma Gardner and one from Grammee Linda! Thanks for the cards! Love you both!

I wrapped both of Reesing's gifts, and did a might fine job, if I do say so myself.

Reesing loved my wrap job.
She's still learning how to unwrap the presents. She'll be faster at it by Christmas time.

Reesing loved the gifts I picked out for her.

I bought her this doll so that she would learn her ABC's and 123's. She smiles everytime she sees this doll.

Second birthday buddy is my cousin Colton. Reesing and Colton share the same birthday, so we got one big cake for the both of them and their own individual cakes. It was very yummy.
Colton turned 6 and he got lots of of skateboard gear. He showed us all his new tricks.

Reesing got a beautiful bracelet from Grammee Linda.
Reesing loved the Pillow Pet that Uncle Mikey gave her.
Birthday princess.
Birthday buddies. Picture 1 of many more shared birthday parties to come. It'll be fun to post them year by year and see how they grow throughout the years.
Colton got lots of skateboarding safety gear, very important.

Reesing got her own birthday cake. She enjoyed it and was so neat while eating it, even using a spoon.

All smiles!

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