Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Doctor Doctor...give me the news...

We went to visit the doctor today. My sister had her 4 month check and I was there for my 3 year check. Yep, that's right...my 3 year check up. I'm turning 3 years old on Monday the 25th and I couldn't be more excited for birthday cake and candles.

Reesing's Stats
4 months old
Height: 24 in. - in the 45% percentile
Weight: 13 lb. 5 oz. - 48% percentile
Head Circ: 16 in. - 44% percentile

Manning's Stats 3 years old
Height: 38 in. - in the 67% percentile
Weight: 34 lb. 8 oz. - 79% percentile
I was filling in sister with the low down on these doctor visits.
What do you do when you, your mom and your sister are stuck in the doctor's office for about 2 hours? You break out the camera and take some fun shots.
Reesing before she got her shots...happy baby.

Mom, have I told you I'm bored and ready to go home yet because I thought I just did and still we sit here and wait.
Mom and I entertaining ourselves and passing time.

Both of us chilling before we got our shots. We were not so relaxed after the big needles entered & left the room. Dang, that hurts every time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long day, big boy? Looks like it's not bothering Reesing as much as it is you & Momma! Hang in there, it's over now! Love you, Gams