Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween 2016

Manning - 9 years, Reesing - 7 years, KU - 3 years

It was a great night for trick or treating! The weather was perfect for a family evening spent searching and waiting for the Great Pumpkin. We pulled lots of tricks and captured lots of treats. Now, waiting for the Halloween hangover in the morning! Manning was a race car driver, Reesing was SuperGirl and Kawlins was Cat boy from The cartoon PJ Masks.

Kawlins kissing her pumpkin "goodnight!"
Kawlins' pumpkin
 Manning's Pumpkin

Reesing's pumpkins

Patiently waiting....

Fisher was a fire fighter. His 1st Halloween with the family!
Cat boy ready to fight off the bad guys!

Loving every minute of it!

The annual "Candy Draft!"
Too many choices!!!!

When is it my turn?!

This was Super Girl all night long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like they had a great time!
Love Aunt Julie