Friday, February 19, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016!

Mom left town for over a week right before Valentine's Day this year, so there was a lot of pre-planning for Valentine's Day parties. Mom made it home in time for Valentine's Day, but missed out on all of the school party fun. It sounds like a good time was had by all. Everyone has shared their Valentines, except for the 9 year-old boy....  Not sure what that means....  In lieu of Valentine's Manning decided to give out baseball cards to all of the boys, which was a big hit, and a great father/son idea! Manning - 9 years old, Reesing - 6 years old, Kawlins -3 years old


Anonymous said...

Ah so sweet! Love the baseball card idea!
Love Aunt Julie

Vertie Martin said...

I love that your projects are always so unpredictable!