Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Manning and Kawlins are so great together. Manning does such a great job taking care of his little sisters and they love their big brother. Kawlins really loves her big brother. They take great care of each other. Kawlins actually listens to her big brother really good and enjoys every minute with her brother. There's just a special bond between these two. Mom realized this the other night when KU wouldn't lay down after repeatedly being asked by Mom. Manning turns to Kawlins, kisses her cheek and tells her to lay down. Boom ...eyes shut KU asleep in a matter of seconds. 

KU loves falling asleep while rubbing Mans ears. 

She likes using his ears as a woobie. If she's holding onto his ears...all is right in KU's world. 
Manning's biggest littlest fan, baby KU. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this and all of you!
Love Aunt Julie