Monday, June 16, 2014

Blue Egg Pony & bunnies

It has been a very busy spring so far at the Urish hotel. We had a robin, which we named Blue Egg Pony ( Mans wanted to call her Blue Egg and Rees voted for Pony), built a nest right next to our back door.  Not sure what that momma bird was thinking, but it was fun watching the whole process. When we would go out there she would squawk and squawk at us but got more comfortable over time, but would still do a fly-by and try to poop on your head if you got too close to the best. It's definitely made for an interesting learning experience for the kiddos. 

One morning we looked out and saw this.

Two hours later we saw this. 

Then along came 3 eggs.

Then they hatched. 

Then they died. I know, I know, a very sad ending to the story. 

Then this past few weeks came a nest of baby bunnies in the middle of our yard. We started out with 7 and are down to only 2 or 3, Humpy and Wiggly. We've had fun watching these bunnies grow, but have also been sad with each one that has died. Yet, another life lesson. 

Bunnies, birds...not sure what's next, but we'll be sure to update you on our next animal adventure.

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