Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Year...a little late

Sorry for the delay in posting. December 24th was the last post?! You've got to be kidding me. Well, it seems that the offices of Team Manning decided to take some extended time off after the holidays. Well, we are back at it and promise no more delays in posts. We hope that each and every one of you had a very wonderful holiday season. cheers to each and everyone for an even better 2014. 

Reesing goes to Kid's First preschool three days a week and really enjoys it . She is a spark plug and a leader of her class. Parents often tell her Dad and I, "(fill in any classmates name) sure does talk a lot about Reesing and they sure of have a lot of plans together." Reesing likes to take charge, and fortunately for her there are a lot of followers in this class." She enjoys going to school and looks forward to it every week. She has made a best friend in the class, Kellar, and they are inseparable. 

Reesing's snowman up on the wall at school. 
Reesing's snowman 
Christmas Tree by Reesing

Reesing's Christmas Angel
Thanksgiving painting

Wait? What's that silence?! They 're not fighting or screaming at each other? Can that be two siblings who cuddled up together and fell asleep on each other?! They fight a lot, but they do love each other. This is proof! Thanks for joining us for another year on Team Manning! 

1 comment:

Gams said...
