Sunday, September 15, 2013

10 months for Kawlins

Our precious Kawlies, Kaw Kaw, Kawlins turned 10 months this past Thursday. Some of her favorites is a head shake to the word "no" and showing off her clapping & stomping skills. She LOVES music. If there is a tune on she is grooving to it. She started crawling shortly after her 9 month mark, but now she's lightning speed fast on all 4s & it won't be long before she's walking. She pulls up on everything and walks her way around to where she wants to go. She also loves eating, and really doesn't turn anything away. Doug's family thinks she looks like me and my family thinks she looks like Doug, go figure. She is the happiest when she is with her daddy or right in the middle of the action. She admires from afar when dad wrestles with the other kids. She can't wait to be in the middle of it all. She's got two teeth on the bottom and is good at using them. She also loves to listen to books when it's storytime at night. It's been a fun 10 months Kawlins can't wait to celebrate the 1-year mark with you! Love you Kawlies! XOXO

Kawlins' stats at 9 month well visit check:

Height- 28.25 inches - 75 percentile
Weight- 19 lbs. 15 oz. -72percentile
Head circumference - 17.25 in. - 46percentile 

Love, love, love a fresh baby outta the bath!

She loves hanging with mom in the mornings. 

She loves bath time with the older kiddos. 

Kawlins 1st football game!

Clapping for the good guys. 

Cookie Monster. 

1 comment:

gAMS said...

Geez, this little girl makes me SMILE!!!!