Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm a big girl now!

We've been quite busy the past few months & there has been a lot to blog about.  Today I'm bragging about this big girl.  She turned 3 in September and got a glowing review from the pediatrician at her 3 year check up.  Also, at this doctor's appointment she was still wearing diapers.  A week before Halloween her dad decided she was ready for no more diapers.  Her dad put away the diapers and the potty training began.  Now, trying to potty train Reesing is kinda like trying to break a wild horse.  She is very strong in mind and body.  It was a little rough going for awhile, but within a week she had kicked the diaper habit.  Kudos to dad for giving her the push and motivation she needed to get it done.  Reesing proves everyday to be an amazing big sister to baby Kawlins and continues to try and rule the rest of the house. 

Some of Reesing's favorites right now- 
Singing songs such as "You are my sunshine," "Call Me Maybe," & her favorite Spongebob tunes.
Food: Hot dogs, schwamiches (sandwiches), & mac & cheese.
Likes playing doctor, little people, puzzles, reading books, climbing on her dad like a jungle gym & whatever her brother is doing. 

1 comment:

Gams said...

That's are little "Ms Independent"! Gams is sure proud of you!!!!