Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our search for the Great Pumpkin

Friday morning mom took some hours off of work and joined me, along with my preschool classmates, on a trip out to Schaake's pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful day and mom and I had a lot of fun.

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere. They definitely come in all different shapes and sizes.

My friend Andrei and I spent some time finding our way through the pumpkin haybale maze.

We finally found our way out!
My friend Ethan and I getting ready for the hayrack ride out to the pumpkin patch.
I also got to sit next to my teacher, Mrs. Huffman on the hayrack ride. She's so nice.
Beginning our search for the Great Pumpkin.
There were lots to choose from.

This is the first one I picked. My love for green even extends to pumpkins.
Here's the 2nd pumpkin I picked. I picked out a pumpkin for Gammee, Reesing and myself.

My friend Ethan and his dad in their search for their Great Pumpkin.
Running with my friends through the pumpkin patch.

Snack time under the shade tree at the picnic table with my friends.

After snack time I had my first experience using a porta potty - gross. Andrei and I had fun climbing...

And sliding...

And meeting the baby calf...
And the baby swine named "Mallow" who had two mini basketballs in his pen to play with...
And saying hi to the chickens.
Then we noticed something really bad on this silo.
A witch must've not been paying any attention and was flying to fast and smashed right into this silo. That looked like it must have hurt.
Then we found another witch who was more than happy to greet us.

We had fun climbing some trees also.

Halloween will be here soon! Cannot wait. I know what I'm going to be for Halloween. Do you?

1 comment:

Gams said...

Manning, THANKS BUNCHES for bringing my pumpkin to me today. It is the BESTEST PUMPKIN I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! You will have to come over to Gams & help me carve it. I love it, but most of all I LOVE YOU for being so thoughtful!!!