We're all smiles at Team Manning.
We're happy to announce, a few days prior to the NFL draft, Team Manning has completed their own 2009 draft and have finalized our pick for this upcoming season. Our newest team member, whom I have nicknamed "Big Eyes," will be making their debut to Team Manning around September 28th sometime, so the doctor tells us. We'll see if he's right. Right now he/she is still just a wee little thing and weighs in at a few ounces and only a few inches long, but is still growing and we expect that they will put on some extra pounds between now and gametime. Below is the first (sorry for the tiny fuzzy image)picture of "Big Eyes" that was recently released to the public. Next month, we'll have another picture and will know whether we're welcoming a boy or a girl teammate. Either way, we are so excited for our new teammate to join us in September. I'm so excited to have a teammate to help me make mom and dad crazy! It'll be double trouble now. We'll keep you updated as the stats roll in.

Congrats "Little Man". Gams is soooooo excited for you. I can't wait. Just remember, "You can NEVER start too young to be a Jayhawk"! I love you & our new little one too! I'm soooooo proud. Gams
Yea you'll have soooo much fun playin with your little bro/sis.
i can't wait to see him/her. by the way do u want a little sister jayhawker or little brother jayhawker
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