Last Saturday I went to the KU spring football game with my mom, dad, Grandma Linda and cousin Macray.

The boys patiently waiting to head to "the hill" for game time fun.

My dad ended up carrying me half-way because I was slowing the process down.

Dillons supplied free hotdogs and soda/water. Thanks for the meal Dillons!

I don't know why people always eat their hotdogs with this silly bun. It's just as easy without one.

I met a really big white dog who came out for the event. Don't remember his name, just remember him being a really big dog.

Then we got in line to receive a free bike helmet. They had a whole area set up for kids only with huge moonwalks, games, etc. It was a lot of fun.

The nice firefighter helped size my noggin for the right size helmet.

New bike helmet.

Also at the event was the Lawrence fire engine and ambulance. We spent some time checking them both out. It was really neat.

Sitting in the big fire engine. Ready to go put out some fires! Let's go!

Lots of buttons to push. I could have really had some fun with all of these buttons if only I would've had more time.

Macray and I checking out the fire hoses.

Macray causing chaos by ringing the bell. Don't do it Macray!

The #1 volunteer firefighter riding on the #1 fire engine.

Grams and I hanging out on the front of the fire engine.

Finally...ready to watch some football!!!

It was a beautiful day and our Hawks looked great, as usual. I think it's going to be another great season.
1 comment:
WHAT CAN I SAY....... Our Mans sure knows how to have fun! Thanks for sharing this fun day with Gams. I love you, Gammy
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