My first time coloring Easter eggs was a lot of fun.

Of course, in this household we can turn eggs into race cars.

Aunt Julie came over to help me color eggs. As you can see from the photos the rest of the family rocked out to some Rock Band on the Wii in the back ground. They supplied the festive background music.

Mom celebrating on Easter eve with her bunny ears.

Thanks for helping Aunt Julie! My eggs turned out just awesome!

Look at all my eggs!

Easter morning I checked out the goodies that the Easter Bunny left me. I must have been good this year because I got a Lightning McQueen chair, as seen in the below picture along with some other goods. Thanks Easter Bunny! I'm already looking forward to your visit next year.

I was really fast on the Easter egg hunt. Mom had a hard time capturing any photos because I was running around so fast. I got lots of good practice in with the eggs that the Easter Bunny left at my house. I had to practice up because later in the day I had an Easter egg hunt that Grandma Linda sponsored. It was a combined event along with celebrating cousin Mile's 2nd birthday and cousin Annabell's 1st birthday. It was a long day filled with nothing but sugar highs and fun!

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