Thursday, April 3, 2014

Monster Face!!!

KU's latest trick is Monster Face. If you ask her to do "monster face" you'll get to see something like this

She'll stop what she's doing, throw her hands up, freeze her face like she's just seen a monster. It's really to cute in person. She'll even get to going so good that her little head will start shaking. Next time you see her and you need a smile ask her to so her monster face, and you won't be disappointed. She's also so smart that she will do it at times when she gets in trouble, In an effort to make those around her laugh. However, it doesn't work very well for Mom and Dad because they are onto her little game.

Bet you cannot guess where she learned it from, huh?


Gams said...

Tooooooo friggin' cute, that little namesake of mine! Hmmm & now that you mention it, I wonder where she learned it!

Anonymous said...

Love to all of the little monsters at your house!
Love Aunt Julie