Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandma Linda!

Yay for Grandma Linda! It is her birthday. We love you so much and hope that you have a wonderful day. 

Here is a poem from Manning, Reesing and...
Your little namesake, Kawlins Linda

Today is your day!
We love you more than we will ever be able to say. 
You are a special lady.
When you get a chance, call me maybe, 
So we can say have a Rock Chalking great birthday! 

Love you Gammee Linda!


Gams said...

Thank you, Team Manning!!! It was a good day for an ol' lady! Love you ALL!!!!

Gams said...

By the way ... That was an awesome poem! Thank you soooooo much! BTW, my little namesake does look pretty darn cute in her little KU dress!