Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Manning - The 1st tooth out

Whew...we've been sweating that one out for a couple weeks now. The tooth had started to wiggle awhile back and I've been taking every precaution to make sure that it did not fall out. Even though Mom and Dad repeatedly told me that it was going to happen no matter what, I was still a little uneasy about looking funny. Well, yesterday at lunch the tooth popped right out onto the lunch table and my friend, Teigan, helped me find it. I still can't get over how small it was. After recovering the tooth I took a short trip to the nurse's office & was eventually sent back to the lunchroom with my tooth safe in an envelope. No pain, a story for all my friends to talk about for the rest of the day, a sticker from my teacher & visit from the tooth fairy leaving me with a payment of $1.41 for my tooth. Not a bad day for a Tuesday.


Gams said...

Just another thing that makes our boy more handsome. Hard to believe you could get ANY cuter than you already are! $1.41, huh? WOW!

raegann said...

did the tooth fairy say why she left $1.41?

Anonymous said...

Wow Manning! That is exciting!
Love Aunt Julie