We've been continuing to learn about different jobs and professions at school. The other day was learning about doctors, nurses and hospitals in general. I was gifted with my very own doctor's bag, equipped with swabs and tongue depressors and an official Dr. Manning headband. Once I got home I shared the teachings of the day with my father...if your heart quits beating you die, then I sent him a bill for the advice.
Ok, so another career day was on police officers. We had a police officer come to our classroom and visit with us. On that day I was Officer Manning, Friendship Forest Police Department, here to serve the community.

One of my crime fighting duties that day was to solve a robbery case involving my police officer hat. Hmmm....I wonder where that went?!

One of my crime fighting duties that day was to solve a robbery case involving my police officer hat. Hmmm....I wonder where that went?!
Below is a picture of the Valentine's bag I made at school. We made it art class and it came in very handy on Valentine's day to hold all my loot.
Checking out my loot and eating sugar, sugar and more sugar!
And yes...there were several Valentine's from the ladies. Thank you very much. Lots of really cool valentines from all my boys as well.
I passed out race car valentines to all of classmates. My mom helped me get them all done prior to her leaving for her trip.
Putting these Valentines together is pretty serious stuff.
1 comment:
You sure are learning sooooooo many things. I am so proud of you. Can't wait to see what's next!!!
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