Lil' Reesing is 8 months and is learning new things each day. She's not officially crawling yet. She takes a few crawls and then decides that she'll just play with whatever is within her reach, but she is moving. If you set her down and leave the room when you come back she'll be in a different spot. She sometimes rolls, scoots, spins, whatever she can do to get to things. So, she's getting it figured out and will be chasing me around before I know it. She still has just her two little bottom teeth. Hair is filling in. Eats and sleeps a lot. Smiles and chuckles at anyone who wants to entertain her. Loves to play peek-a-boo and when others make silly sounds and faces. She loves mom, but she gets an extra special twinkle in her eye when she spies her daddy. She's now sharing our food and seems to really like it. Reesing is always grabbing the spoon and makes a mess while trying to feed herself, but she's trying. She likes to be in the action and can't stand to be left out of the chaos. It's fun to watch her grow and I can't wait until we can really cause some trouble together. She also really loves her Bumbo seat.
Sporting my 1st ever Jayhawk hat on her head. I must have not been in the room on this photo because that is so not cool stealing my stuff.

Reesing made herself at home a couple weekends ago while we were at the Quarter Midget track watching our cousins race. She really enjoyed watching the races.

I totally just got busted trying to wrestle with my sister. Mom says she's not quite ready for that yet.

I told mom it was just some brother/sisterly love, but she didn't buy that excuse. Notice in this photo Reesing is actually fighting back and has successfully dug her claws into my mouth. I think she's going to be able to hold her own when we wrestle.

Reesing, a.k.a. "We We", as dad calls her loves macaroni and cheese. I think mom and dad should probably just go ahead and buy some stock in Kraft Mac & Cheese because between my sister and I were going to help Kraft sales skyrocket.

Ending this post on Reesing's silly face. We were all making silly faces at each other and sissy's actually got voted the best one. Again, she doesn't ever want to be left out of the fun, even if it's making funny faces at each other.
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