I nicknamed this monkey "Uncle Mikey" because he had a really cool spike mohawk going down his head.
I love the giraffes.
Dad and I getting food to feed the fish.

These fish are really hungry...they fight over every bite of food dropped into the water.
Some really nice family gave me so their leftover bread to feed the fishes. Dad broke it up for me to give to the fishes and to his surprise I kept the bread for myself and ate it. Mom and dad both had a good laugh at this.

This elephant looked like my dad when he gets mad...both their ears flare out. Ha!
This was dad's reaction after that last comment.

We caught mom trying to take a nap...but then we realized that it was actually a monkey. But looks just like my mom when she takes a Sunday afternoon nap.
This gorilla decided to challenge dad to a stare off.

Talk about "monkey love." Ths monkey loved me a lot. It started with a kiss and then...

then he just started licking the glass...
and continued licking...

followed by some more licking. It was pretty gross after awhile, but hey, they're monkeys stuck behind glass all day long. They've got to find new ways to entertain themselves.
This is me taunting the lion just inches from it's giant teeth.
Then it was on to my favorite spot...the penguin house.

Penguins are my favorite animal at the zoo.
This is what my mom and dad looked like at the end of the zoo trip.

These fish are really hungry...they fight over every bite of food dropped into the water.
This elephant looked like my dad when he gets mad...both their ears flare out. Ha!
We caught mom trying to take a nap...but then we realized that it was actually a monkey. But looks just like my mom when she takes a Sunday afternoon nap.
This gorilla decided to challenge dad to a stare off.
Talk about "monkey love." Ths monkey loved me a lot. It started with a kiss and then...
then he just started licking the glass...
followed by some more licking. It was pretty gross after awhile, but hey, they're monkeys stuck behind glass all day long. They've got to find new ways to entertain themselves.
This is me taunting the lion just inches from it's giant teeth.
Then it was on to my favorite spot...the penguin house.
Penguins are my favorite animal at the zoo.
This is what my mom and dad looked like at the end of the zoo trip.
Thanks for the advice on the zoo mans. The penguins sold your cousin reyna (their her favorite to) We r now planning a trip to omaha next month. :)
Love ya sweeite
Aunt Stacer
My boy sure does know how to have fun!
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