There is a good reason to skip slaving over the stove tonight making dinner and head on over to Henry T's. Tonight volunteer servers and bartenders, including my mom, are working for tip money to support Cooper's Cause. Cooper Keefer is a very courageous 8 month old little boy who was born with multiple heart defects and has fought through multiple open-heart surgeries. He is growing strong and they are so very blessed to have him. Many of their friends have stepped forward to organize various fund raising events to help their family deal with the financial side of their journey. The event tonight at Henry T’s is from 6:00-10:00p.m. All tips collected between 6-10pm will benefit pediatric heart patients. Below is a picture of the flyer that my mom took out of the plastic holder on one of the tables at Henry T's when we were there for orientation. I went with her because I completely support her taking time away from home to do this. If you want to learn more about the Keefer family you can visit the below website and check out what the Lawrence Journal World did on them. Also below is a link to Cooper's Cause website. Also tonight there is a raffle with lots of great prizes.Come out and join the fun if you can.
This is a really crappy picture, but you get the idea.
1 comment:
Your mom is Awesome.
Love you all
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