My t-shirt sums up the story to follow..."I don't have an off button."
So, at first I was testing the boundaries with my mom and dad. I discovered these awesome mud puddles and wasn't for sure how far they would let me go with my new discovery.
So, they weren't happy about me walking in the mud/water, but it was everywhere and simply hard to avoid. So, I decided to take it a step further and stand in the puddle.
Next thing I know, the water would splish splash really high when I would run through the puddle. This was a lot of fun and I was having a blast.
Soon after this my parents decided to let me do some more exploring. I convinced them to take my shoes and socks off for some important research on mud puddles.
I also quickly learned that when you throw rocks into the mud puddles that also causes a big splash.
I had learned something new and my confidence level was soaring. The rock didn't look that big at first.
Then some of my friends, who are all older than me, decided to teach me how to make REALLY big splashes. What they didn't teach me was that when someone does make a big splash - back far far away. It was a good lesson learned.
I was having fun and still had not learned how to back away from the line of fire. I didn't really mind the mud water. It did dampen my cracker a little bit, but I was hungry and wasn't going to let it go.
So, in order to get the older kids back for all the splashes they did to me, I recruited a little bit of help. We got them back good!
This was the end result...a muddy and soaking wet Manning. Some might say I don't look happy in this picture, and that is because I was not happy. Mom and dad finally called off the fun and pulled me away from the mud puddles and made me get cleaned up. This did not make me happy because all I wanted to do was continue having fun with the mud puddles.
Mud is like magnet for little boys. No matter where it is they will find it and be drawn to it. Maybe because it is just so much fun! I'm not quite sure it ever stops though. I know my teenager can still find the mud. It just seems to decrease in frquency.
Bring him to the farm....I got LOTS of puddles and mud! Brett will show him every one of them!
And I LOVE the tshirt (no off button) very fitting.
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