My cousin, Annabell was born on Wednedsay, April 9th. Weighing in at 6lbs. 7 oz. and 19 inches long. She's a very adorable baby and I can't wait to start hanging out with her at daycare. My Aunt Stacey is taking some time off for maternity leave, so in the meantime I'm going to my Aunt Jen's house everyday. I'm getting the chance to hang out with all of my other cousins, Miles, Colton, Madison and Makenzie. It's
been fun. It's exciting to have another little one joining the group. I've included some pictures for everyone to enjoy!

Proud, but tired, momma Stacey (Doug's older sister)
Annabell and her dad, Brad.
Uncle Mike and Annabell.

Grandma Linda (Doug's mom) and my new cousin Annabell.

My uncle Mike (Doug's Brother) and I hanging out.

My dad giving me love and telling me stories about how I used to be a little person as one time. I still don't believe him.
Having fun running around the room!
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