So, Manning was able to take in his first baseball game with his mom and dad. We went to see the KC T-bones, free tickets given to us from my friend Neuty, yes that is a nickname. The T-bones is a baseball team in an independent league. I think this was the first of many ballgames to come that Doug and Manning will experience together. It was a hot summer night, $1 ballpark hotdogs, a full crowd and the good ol' American favorite past time. Don't know who won because we didn't stay late enough to find out -it was too hot for the little guy - but it didn't really matter b/c it was fun. the T-bones game is an affordable good time and lots of fun.
Side note*** Manning does smile all of the time, but it's hard to catch the smile on camera b/c he is always more interested in trying to figure out what the camera is and why it's always in his face. Hence, why he looks so serious in the above picture.

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