Ok, so Halloween is just around the corner. What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm going as Jeff Gordon, my favorite race car driver. Can anyone guess what little Reesing is going to be? I won't spoil the surprise. You'll just have to wait until we put up the pictures. I'm sure we'll have pictures up of our costume by the weekend. I can't wait to go trick or treating this year and am really excited because I get to dress up for a Halloween parade tomorrow at school! I can't wait.
I love going to school. During the 2 and 1/2 hours we're there we read books, have snacks, have music/art time, enjoy recess, and learn a lot. It's a busy 2 and 1/2 hours, but it's a lot of fun. I've brought home some really cool art projects that are hanging throughout our house. The day my dad came to school we made textured pumpkins. The other day I made a cobweb with a spider in the middle of it and gave it to my Gammee Linda. (I hope you like it Gamme!) In the month of October we focused on the 5 senses. So, when we discussed vision we made a puppet of an animal that has excellent vision. Can you guess what it is?

Yep, you got it. Please meet Mr. Owl.

I was pretty proud of this puppet and mom, dad and I had a lot of fun playing with Mr. Owl.

This was an artwork project to show support of the pancake feed they had at preschool to support the school. This was my plate of pancakes. The really cool part was that the brown syrup paint drizzled all over the pancakes really smelled like syrup. Still up for debate though is what the long brown fuzzy things were on the pancakes. Mom keeps asking me why there are caterpillars crawling on my pancakes and I can't quite remember what they were supposed to be, so we'll just leave it at caterpillars.

We-We is too small to go to school. Everyday she wants to go with me, but I just have to keep telling her, "Someday We-We, someday." Until thing she just hangs around and does the "being cute" thing.