Reesing's one-year appointment was today with Dr. Kelley. In Dr. Kelley's words, "she's a perfect baby." Yay for Reesing! Here are her stats:
One Year
Height - 29 inches - 43rd percentile
Weight - 20lbs. 14 oz. - 46th percentile
Head circ. - 18.25 inches. - 83rd percentile
Weight - 20lbs. 14 oz. - 46th percentile
Head circ. - 18.25 inches. - 83rd percentile
It was a great appointment overall. She got 4, I repeat 4 shots. They stab her one after another. It's like a bad horror flick. She took it like a champ though. At first she looked at mom like, "what just happened?" and then quickly sucked up the tears and was ready to eat some lunch. She laid still while Dr. Kelley poked and prodded and even asked "is she always this good?" Reesing loves one-on-one attention and to have Dr. Kelley focused completely on her and giving her big smiles and encouragement for what a good girl she ways, there was nothing Reesing could do but be mesmerized by him.
Reesing is really close to walking. She takes steps and then gets so excited at herself that she loses her balance. She realizes that it's easier to walk, but until she get the balance she'll probably continue speed crawling everywhere. The most she's taken has been 6 or 7 steps in a row. Within the next few weeks she'll be running everywhere I'm sure. Stay tuned for more updates on that.
Reesing likes to rip the headband off mommy's head and then put it on her head. She never gets it on right, but from the smile on her face every time she's wearing it you'd think she was as special as the First Lady.