This is a "live" scrapbook of Team Manning's adventures and any other random thought or event. We hope to keep it updated weekly, if not daily, with what's been going on. So, be sure to keep stopping by and enjoy the fun!
Ok, so my mom and dad took me shopping the other day and let me pick out some new toys and some new sneakers. I must have been a good boy lately b/c dad just walked in the door and said "Let's go pick out some fun stuff", and we did just that. It was a lot of fun and I want to thank my daddy for everything he bought me.
My buddy Preston just turned 1 and I went to his party on Saturday to celebrate. We had a lot of fun playing together. So, thanks for the invite and I hope you like my gift!
What kind of war you might ask? A war against stinky poo. Doug can't stand changing dirty diapers and starts dry heaving to the point where he's absolutely no help and only causes more chaos when we're trying to change Manning's diapers. So, Doug came up with the really good idea that if we would start wearing the mask shown above (typically used while he's working around strong potent fumes and chemicals when he's working)that he'd be able to change diapers with no more problems. Funny looking, but it does work and I think that is the only thing that saved him when I went out of town for a business trip for 6 days. In the above picture Doug had to pull out the beloved mask to clean out the bathtub on Manning's birthday, as he left a little birthday surprise for us in the tub. Let's just say the bath went from very enjoyable to immediate evacuation very quickly! Right before I took this picture Doug and I were both kind of jawing back and forth at each other about who was going to clean up the mess. Suddenly Doug leaves the room and comes back wearing his mask and is grumbling in the thing something that I can't even understand. I could not help but laugh and laugh and laugh at the sight. So, I grabbed the camera and snapped the shot while Doug continued to bark at me about him having to clean poo while I'm having fun joking around and taking pictures. I couldn't quit laughing. times.
Nothing new going on here. Just kicking back and taking in a little R&R while making some phone calls and taking care of business. Happy Monday to everyone. I hope you all have a great week.
It's been a great Valentine's day so far. No complaints here. I would have to say that the "Day of Love" has treated me very well and I feel very loved! I love each and every one of you and thank you for stopping by to check in on what I'm doing.
How did my mom know that all I wanted for Valentine's day was my very own die cast Jeff Gordon racecar. She's a clever one. Thanks mom! I love you Too!
Being the day for love and cute things I thought I'd show how cute I can be as a puppy! Pretty cute, huh?
Thanks for the Valentine Great-Grandma Gardner! It made me smile. I'm showing it off to my mom in the picture below. Hugs and kisses to you on this Valentine's Day!
Ok, a couple of weeks ago my Grandma Linda invited me and my mom and dad to Hawk talk, which is a live radio broadcast that the KU coaching staff conducts in front of a live audience and answers questions from callers and discusses prior and upcoming KU basketball games and related issues. this was a special evening because the man himself, Mr. Danning Manning was there in place of Bill Self. So, I got my picture taken with Mr. Manning and he also autographed a basketball for me. He was very flattered to learn that my name was Manning, and was even more surprised when my mom told him that my name was influenced by him.
about 4 days after my birthday my mom was on a plane to sunny Orlando, FL for 6 days for work, so she's been very busy lately. So, she said to send her apologies. Ok, now back to the fun stuff. I successfully turned 1. I had a birthday party with my family and friends and it was so much fun. As you can see I had my very own birthday cake which I destroyed. It was a very special day. Pitures below will tell you the story.
In this picture I was intently listening as my Grandma Linda sang me "Happy Birthday" right after I woke up on my birthday.
Here I'm admiring my new dump truck my dad got me for my big day. My very own birthday cake! Here is wonderful race car cake that my mom and dad made for me. My mom baked the cake and my dad decorated the cake. I shared this cake with everyone at the party. We had a "race car" party because the theme of the party was "Come wave the checkered flag as Manning crosses the finish line at 1."
Me hanging with my Aunt Julie (My mom's sister) at my party. Celebrating as everyone sang me happy birthday. In the following pictures I'm demolishing my birthday cake.
Playing with my grandpa Rod. Me & my cousin Miles. My friend Preston and his sister Alexus.